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Speaker. Author. Motivator

Find spiritual purpose & authentic joy! 


Hello friends!

It has been a long wait! But the wait is over, the story of my adventure through southeastern South Dakota, Joy in the Heartland is officially a #1 New Release on Amazon. This is my exciting true story of a short country drive in search of purpose and joy during Covid-19 that evolved into something much larger: ten South Dakota road trips and a new type of  South Dakota hunting–a hunt for joy–and a search for hearts in each of the 51 neighboring communities of Sioux Falls.


Let Joy in the Heartland be your guide to an exciting adventure. Let it inspire you to make plans, pack a picnic, live the adventure, and get to know the neighborhood right here in our state, for that is where you will make memories and find real joy!   

Joy in the Heartland book cover

Don't forget to search for the big red heart hidden in plain sight in each of the towns featured in my book!

Lonnette Kelley with display of hand-painted red wooden hearts

The Lord's vision: 
My journey begins

Looking for purpose while isolating during the Covid-19 pandemic, and led by the Lord, I founded “The Eyes of God,” a ministry of hope. My simple hand-painted cards featured wide-eyed animals that could break the barriers of isolation to bring smiles and love to those suffering loneliness and despair. To date, I have placed over 4,000 cards of hope in the hands of those in need. 

Check out more of my joyous activities...

Joy the Pumpkin Carriage

Carriage Rides

Joy in the Heartland book cover

Joy in the Heartland

Child holding a plate of pancakes

Cooking with Heart

Joy is everywhere! You just need to find it!

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